Very helpful and informative, great networking. Good choice of speakers. Fitting my business needs. - Packaging Technologist, Unilever
Smithers are excited to announce E-PACK Asia is coming online across the 5-6 July 2022! This year's event will provide attendees with a closer look at the latest trends, opportunities, and emerging innovations that are "bridging the gap on the path to delivery" across all aspects of the e-commerce packaging sector.
Featuring a program designed to explore the current market landscape, logistics and shipping from fulfillment to delivery, returnability and subscription services, sustainability in e-commerce packaging as it relates to the global environment, design challenges, packaging with consumers in mind, smart packaging and automation within e-commerce, the necessity of e-commerce/speed to market during times of crisis, and much more!
By attending the 2022 E-PACK Asia conference, you can expect...